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Image shows a hand holding a small vial on a necklace

Heritage Crafts: Mid-Winter Magick Nature Jewelry

February 15th, 4-5pm

Clingman Park (2156 US-50, Batavia, OH 45103)


Join Clermont County Parks & special instructor Katie Grace for a midwinter gathering of intention & creation. During our time together, we will explore the rules of foraging, the symbolism of local flora & fauna, and our own creativity in relation to nature. Each participant will intentionally craft their own piece of jewelry from hand-gathered forest finds. Registration is required for this program. A maximum of four people can be registered in each submission. There are two time block options to register for: 2:30-3:30 pm, and 4-5pm. This is the 4-5pm time block. Both time blocks are full. Payment is non-refundable- if you find yourself unable to attend, please find someone to fill your spot.

Payment Options:

Credit Card: Please note that there is a $2 minimum fee for credit card payments. 

Check: If you would like to pay by check, please email directly to register and receive instructions on payment.

Cash will not be accepted as payment for this program.

* This event is full, if you'd like more information please fill out the form here or email us at

Heritage Crafts: Mid-Winter Magick Nature Jewelry 4-5 PM REGISTRATION FULL


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