Rules and Regulations
The Clermont County Park strives to be a place where our community can safely enjoy the outdoors, while protecting and conserving the spaces that we share with others. Please review the following park rules. For a more detailed list of all of our policies, please click on the link below.
Clermont Parks are open from dawn until dusk.
For emergencies on Park District properties, please call 9-1-1.
For non-emergency assistance on Park District properties, please call the Clermont County Dispatch non-emergency service at 513-732-2231.
For non-emergency assistant at Shor Park, please call Union Township Dispatch non-emergency service at 513-752-1230.

Leave It Better Than You Found It
We ask that any park visitors follow the Leave No Trace (LNT) policies and are respectful of habitat, structures and other park goers. In relation to this, our policies are as follows:
- Leave any natural items (stones, flowers, seeds, mushrooms, animal life) in the park where they belong. Think about how you would like to experience the parks, and what would happen if we all took a little bit of the nature when we left!
- Defacing, painting, setting fire to, chopping or breaking of any natural or built park property is prohibited.
- Please do not move or adjust any stream or trail features. This includes creating cairns (rock stacks), as the movement of rocks can be detrimental to stream habitats and violates the Leave No Trace (LNT) principles mentioned above.
- No dumping of any kind is permitted on park property, or any adjacent water ways. This includes littering, toxic chemicals and non-toxic dumping, such as yard waste.
- Please keep any painted rocks or other altered natural additions to developed areas. Please do not deposit any art or physical objects in any preserve other natural areas, and only with the permission of the park director. This is an accordance with LNT principles, and any such items will be removed if found in preserves or natural spaces.

Pets and Wild Animals
- No hunting of any kind within the park district.
- Do not disturb any wildlife, their habitats, eggs, young or nesting areas. If you see an injured animal or one that you feel is in distress, please call park offices.
- Fishing is only permitted in designated areas and during park hours, and is subject to all state of Ohio rules and regulations, including the requirement of fishing license where required.
- No person shall leave fishing hooks unattended. Bows, spears, gigs, traps or arrows are prohibited.
- No person shall release any wild animals into the park. If you need assistance with a wild animal or finding a rescue for an unwanted pet, please call park offices.
- All dogs brought to the park should be on a leash of 6-feet and should not be aggressive or intimidating to other park users or their pets. Your dog might be friendly, but not all park guests are comfortable with pets approaching them (especially children) and other dogs may be leash-aggressive (does not respond well to other dogs while they are on leash).
- All pet owners are responsible for picking up and disposing of their animal waste. Please do not leave dog waste bags in the parks or along trails.
Commercial Activities
- Clermont County Parks can be reserved to host your organization's fundraiser, 5k, car show, market or other special event. This is the only time when vendors can sell goods, drinks or food on park property, and must be secured with a contract.
- No peddling, soliciting or selling of any service is permitted on park property without permission of the park director.
- No signs, banners, posters or flyers selling a product, service or promoting an event may be placed on any park property without the consent of the park director.

- Camping is not permitted in the park, with the exception of the Yurts at Chilo Lock 34 Park (reservation required, and only for youth or community groups). No overnight hammocks, tents, or any other structures are permitted in the parks.
- Fires are only permitted in designated areas of the parks except at grills and other places determined by the parks.
- Any fire that is started must be extinguished before a guest departs, and no grill or fire remains should be dumped into any natural area.
- Canoes, kayaks and boats are only permitted in the water at designated launch areas on the river. No kayaks or canoes are permitted in any park pond.
- Wading or swimming is only permitted at launch areas, and is at the discretion of the park guests.
- The Williamsburg to Batavia Hike-Bike Trail is only for hiking and biking. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail, except those required for individuals who require a motorized vehicle for accessiblity.
- No horses are allowed on the hike/bike trail and dogs must be on a leash.
- Paved walking trails are for walking and running. No bikes or electric vehicles permitted.
Personal Conduct
- All park guests must be respectful of others while on public park property. No excessively loud music, swearing, yelling, public nudity or any other inappropriate and illegal behavior that impacts the peace of the park or other visitors is permitted.
- No open containers of alcohol are permitted at the parks, except in the case of special events with permits granted by the park director, or at a leased facility or shelter when a contract has been signed.
- No sexual or obscene acts or solicitation of said acts are permitted on park property.
- No sling shots, fireworks, explosives, any type of dangerous ordnance or firearms of any type: air guns, gas guns, or pellet guns.
- An exception will be made for concealed carry permits under Ohio Revised Code § 2923.125 or
§ 2923.1213 and is subject to all restrictions under said code. Persons approached by law enforcement must immediately advise the officer or ranger that they are carrying a concealed handgun. - No bows, cross-bows, longbows or arrows are permitted in the park, except with the permission of the director.